We are always told to lighten up our look for the summer. Lighter foundation, lighter clothing, lighter hair. Well I think sometimes the opposite is more refreshing. Why not? Goss makeup artist on YouTube always says to look your best you should crave to stand out. To not blend in with the crowd, but instead embrace your uniqueness. Don't self tan if you don't want to in the summer (I never do). Yes, sunkissed can be beautiful, but so can alabaster skin. God made each of us unique and beautiful in our own ways.
So this summer, why not embrace whatever look makes you the happiest and most confident? For me, that was getting my locks darkened and my eyebrows tinted. I have never tinted my brows, but I found a picture of Lily Collins I was dying to try.
Let me know what you think. How do you plan to stand out this summer?
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