If I think too hard about 2013, I could cry. I am so thankful for everything I have gotten to experience. Of course there have been very challenging times, but when I look back on the year as a whole, it is the happiness and love that stands out. I am lucky to get to worship the most amazing God and know the ultimate love that is Jesus dying for me. I am redeemed every day, endlessly, by His grace. As I sit here at the end of another year of my life, I am forced into reflection. A year seems to pass by so fast, but there is so much change. I am a different person than I was before. I am better. I am better for the people I have met, the people who have changed me, the risks I have taken, and the experiences I will never forget.
2. Freniversary, 4th annual. Without her, excitement and adventure would be harder to come by.
3. My love bangle: Feb 2013
4. Zoey and Griffin
5. Starting my makeup blog
6. A piece of my heart will always be in San Francisco.
7. Exploring Nashville, possibly my new home in 2014
8&9. Two concerts that rivaled all other shows, The 1975 and Iron&Wine. Seeing The 1975 was such a huge moment. Iron&Wine have been with me my whole life, so seeing them in an intimate setting was so surreal and breath taking, I can barely remember it.
And for each and every person who I have spent time with in 2013, you all mean so much to me. I love sharing my life with you. Here's to 2014!
I would love to hear what you are thankful for!
xx and so much love to you, Chris
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