A New Year: 2014

Saturday, December 28, 2013

If I think too hard about 2013, I could cry. I am so thankful for everything I have gotten to experience. Of course there have been very challenging times, but when I look back on the year as a whole, it is the happiness and love that stands out. I am lucky to get to worship the most amazing God and know the ultimate love that is Jesus dying for me. I am redeemed every day, endlessly, by His grace. As I sit here at the end of another year of my life, I am forced into reflection. A year seems to pass by so fast, but there is so much change. I am a different person than I was before. I am better. I am better for the people I have met, the people who have changed me, the risks I have taken, and the experiences I will never forget. 

1. Zoey. Unmatched and unrequited, the way Zoey loves me is refreshing.
2. Freniversary, 4th annual. Without her, excitement and adventure would be harder to come by.
3. My love bangle: Feb 2013
4. Zoey and Griffin
5. Starting my makeup blog
6. A piece of my heart will always be in San Francisco.
7. Exploring Nashville, possibly my new home in 2014
8&9. Two concerts that rivaled all other shows, The 1975 and Iron&Wine. Seeing The 1975 was such a huge moment. Iron&Wine have been with me my whole life, so seeing them in an intimate setting was so surreal and breath taking, I can barely remember it.

And for each and every person who I have spent time with in 2013, you all mean so much to me. I love sharing my life with you. Here's to 2014!

I would love to hear what you are thankful for!
xx and so much love to you, Chris


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